Monday, October 4, 2010

FOR PARENTS: Parent Luncheon Follow Up

For those of you who were able to make the Parent Luncheon yesterday, thanks for coming.  It was good to connect with you in that setting.  I hope that you were encouraged in your role as parents and that it was helpful to hear what’s taking place at the Shire.Parents,

As a follow up, I want to forward a few things to you related to some of our discussion yesterday:

A HELPFUL ARTICLE ON PARENTING: Here’s an article entitled, “What is Success in Parenting?” by counselor and author Paul Tripp that is worth your read. 

MUSIC: A question was brought up related to wanting help with becoming aware of what music was out there from a Christian perspective. Here are two links (page 1 & page 2) to at a resource that’s a little dated from February, but maybe it will be helpful in finding artists that might be comparable in style to what you’re looking for.  Another site online can be found at this link. If you want to check out any of the groups, I’m sure that you can find most of them on

BOOKS: Here are two books that I’d recommend for you to check out:

Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens, Second Edition (Resources for Changing Lives)Get Outta My Face!: How to Reach Angry, Unmotivated Teens with Biblical Counsel

Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens (Paul Trip): Recommendation from CPYUIt is one of the best books on Christian parenting that we have found. A counselor by profession, Tripp has combined his insights from years of counseling, his study of Scripture and his personal experience as a parent of teens in a book that won’t leave readers feeling like they’ve failed miserably in their task as parents. Instead, Age of Opportunity is a breath of fresh air.

Get Outta My Face!: How to Reach Angry, Unmotivated Teens with Biblical Counsel (Rick Horne) -  Get Outta My Face!, written for Christian parents, teachers, and youth workers, is about reaching angry, unmotivated, disinterested teens with biblical counsel. Such teens confused and insecure - are selfish; they want what they want, right now. They are corrupted by sin and this corruption is the cause of their problem. Despite all their sin problems, they are still made in the image of God, and this is the key to helping them. This book will help with addressing the teen's sin and bringing them to their God-given desires and godly actions. Far from dismissing or sugarcoating sin, this approach opens wide the door to evangelizing the unsaved teen and to helping the Christian teen grow in holiness and wisdom.

CLIP WITH RON LUCE THAT WAS SHOWED:  Here’s the clip with Ron Luce that was showed during the lunch. Click Here

Thanks again for coming and we look forward to seeing you at the next lunch!