Monday, December 5, 2011

December at the Shire

Students and Parents,

Here’s the plans and happenings at the Shire up to Christmas and the end of December:

THIS WEDNESDAY’S MEETING: We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Shire at the regular time of 6:45 pm. Come ready for an enjoyable time catching up with friends, spending time in worship and learning from God’s Word.

THIS FRIDAY NIGHT – GIRL’S NIGHT OUT: Girls! Shannon & Staci are looking forward to hanging out with you for a night out at Staci’s home from 6-9 pm.  They’ve got some plans for you that’ll be a lot of fun which will include making cookies, movie watching, hanging out with friends, etc.  They do ask that you bring along a snack or drink.  They’ll take care of the rest. Let Staci/Shannon know that you’ll be coming!

THIS SATURDAY NIGHT – GUY’S NIGHT OUT: Guys … we’re looking forward to a great night together with you … we’re still working on the details, but it’s going to be a great night and it’ll include dinner and some activity.  Plan on being with us from 6 pm to 9 pm or so ;) We’ll get you the details on Wednesday night at the Shire.  Let us know at the Shire on Wednesday if you're able to join us.  Hope you can.

NEXT WEDNESDAY – CHRISTMAS CAROLING:  Next week on Wednesday, December 14th, the Shire is going to take our singing on the road and head over to the Colonial Park Care Center for about 45 minutes to spread some Christmas cheer to the residents at the facility. We will meet at the regular time of 6:45 pm and return by 8 pm.

CHRISTMAS PARTY:  For our last meeting of the year on December 21st, the Shire is going to hold it’s Christmas Party.  The night will be filled with games, snacks, and short devotional. As usual, we’re going to hold a “White Elephant Gift Exchange.”  If you would like to participate in that gift exchange, please bring a wrapped gift costing no more than $5.

Lastly, here’s two upcoming things that you need to know about:

MISSION TRIP: We’re still 6 months out, but we’re in need of hearing in the next few weeks about interest in participating in a youth missions trip during the week of June 16-22, 2012. If those dates don’t work for you and you would go if they were a week later please let us know.  This will be a great week spent together, growing in Christ, serving those in need, and making a difference. A trip like this could change your life! Let Pastor Derek know of your interest.

SKI RETREAT:  Lastly, it’s that time of the year to start thinking about the Ski Retreat that will be held February 3-5.  The registration deadline for this event is January 15.  For all the details and forms, click here.

Big Mac Ski Attack 2012

Now's the time to start planning to be a part of this! The details are finally here for Winter Slam 2012 and we're really looking forward to this great weekend away! 

We'll be talking about this at the Shire over the next month or so, but here's the details, deadlines, and important things that you'll want to know related this retreat.

The Winter Slam will be held February 3-5, 2012 at the Laurelville Mennonite Church Center and will have special speaker, Phil Pranger, and guest musician "Keith Conner."

On Saturday, February 4th we'll head over to Hidden Valley Resort where you can either snow tube, snow board, ski, go the the resort club, or just hang out as a group.

The cost is $85 + the cost of whatever activity you choose.

The registration deadline is Sunday, January 15 when all permission slips will be needed along with a $25 non-refundable deposit (Checks are to be made out to MPYM.)

Registration forms and permission slips can be download at the links below:

Skiing/Snowboarding Release Form (required for all snowboarders and skiers)
Ski & Snowboard Rental Agreement (two copies of this agreement required for ONLY those renting skis/snowboards)
Tubing Release Form (required for all snowtubers)