Monday, January 25, 2010

This Week: Movie Night

Hello Students and Parents,

This Wednesday night we're making a change to our plan for the evening. This past weekend, a movie called, To Save a Life, came out in the theaters. You may have heard it advertised on various radio stations. From different reviews and at the recommendation of one of our parents our plan is to have both middle and high school students meet at the church at 7 p.m. and head over to Regal for the 7:30 p.m. showing. The movie is 2 hours long and is rated PG-13 (some drug content, teen drinking, suicide, disturbing images, sexuality and mature thematic elements)

Movie Summary: After the death of a childhood friend, a popular teen (Randy Wayne) risks his own social standing by reaching out to classmates who are usually shunned.

Click on this link to see the movie site:

Here are a few things we'd like you to do:
  1. Let me know if you'll be able to make it to the movie and if you'll be meeting us at the church at 7 p.m. and heading over to the theater or if you'd rather meet us at the theater.
  2. Check out the reviews. (especially parents - I've listed some below - you can read about how the movie came about and who made it), We're praying that this can be a movie that can start some good discussions among teens, youthworkers and teens, and between parents and teens.
  3. Parents please consider joining us for the movie. Especially, parents of our middle school students. (If you're child is under 13 and you are okay with them going to see the movie and you will not be joining us, please send an email to Pastor Derek ( and confirm that you're child has permission to go to the movie.
  4. Bring along money to cover the cost of your movie ticket ... ($9 for adults ... not sure what the student discount is, but I'm sure you know)
***We want everyone to be able to attend, so if money for the tickets is a problem, please let us know and we can help out.

That should cover it ... here's the links to some reviews and places you can learn about the movie ...

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