Monday, October 15, 2012

Quiet Time Reflections: Romans 2:17-29

Day 1: Romans 2:17-21
1. What word or phrase stands out to you from these verses? Why?
2. What is Paul condemning the Jews for? Have you ever judged someone else for something you’ve done yourself?
3. Spend time today thinking about how you can be a better witness to others through your actions and words.

Day 2: Romans 2:22-24
1. What word or phrase stands out to you from these verses? Why?
2. What do you think it means to blaspheme God’s name? Why do you suppose Paul says this to the Jews?
3. Spend time today thinking about how you represent God to the world?

Day 3: Romans 2:25
1. What word or phrase stands out to you from this verse? Why?
2. According to Paul, when does circumcision have value? Why is it important that religious signs (such as baptism or circumcision) are matched by our behavior?
3. Spend time today evaluating if others would know you’re a Christian based on your behavior.

Day 4: Romans 2:26-27
1. What word or phrase stands out to you from these verses? Why?
2. According to Paul, which is more important: Outward religious signs or how we live our lives? Which is more important to you?
3. Spend time today thinking about non-Christians you may know who live more as Christ commands than you do. In light of this, what about your life needs to change?

Day 5: Romans 2:28
1. What word or phrase stands out to you from this verse? Why?
2. According to this verse, can someone be a Jew only outwardly? Do you think the same thing is true for Christians?
3. Spend time today thinking if you have ever been merely an “outward Christian.”

Day 6: Romans 2:29
1. What word or phrase stands out to you from this verse? Why?
2. What’s the difference between being a Jew outwardly and being a Jew inwardly? In the same way, what’s the difference between being a Christian outwardly and being a Christian inwardly? Where should Christians be focused on getting their praise?
3. Spend time today thinking whether you’re more concerned with what others think—or about what God thinks.

Day 7: Romans 2:17-29
Read through the whole passage and write out the verse that spoke to you the most this week. Meditate on that verse today—and for an extra challenge, memorize

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